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Personality Choice

Personality choice

I am Saurin Pandya, a 31-year-old assistant administrative manager in a pharmaceutical company. I am very soft spoken, quiet and shy. My wife Nandita, 30 years old, a journalist in a leading newspaper, is very outgoing, cheerful and smart. Many…

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Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse

I am Yashwardan Goel, a 43-year-old cloth businessman. My son Shyamal, 21 years old, has been experimenting with a variety of drugs since the last 1 year. It started out with smoking cigarettes, then he had alcohol and yesterday he…

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My daughter Nitu Sharma, 21-year-old, is a student of medicine in the 3rd year of medical studies. She is 5’7” tall and weighs 84 kg. She has always been plump since childhood but in the last 3 years, her weight has…

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