Gender Differences
I am Kiran Kulkarni, 34 years old with one daughter Priya, 7 years old and one son Pallav, 3 years old. I have noticed that my son is very aggressive while my daughter is very calm and cool. He will…
I am Kiran Kulkarni, 34 years old with one daughter Priya, 7 years old and one son Pallav, 3 years old. I have noticed that my son is very aggressive while my daughter is very calm and cool. He will…
I am Saurin Pandya, a 31-year-old assistant administrative manager in a pharmaceutical company. I am very soft spoken, quiet and shy. My wife Nandita, 30 years old, a journalist in a leading newspaper, is very outgoing, cheerful and smart. Many…
I am Sudha Mishra, a 42 year old teacher and principal of a school which deals with mainly pre-primary level children. Often there are a lot of interactions with the parents of the children about their developmental levels and child-rearing…
I am Gayatri Patil, a 24-year-old school teacher. My husband Suresh often cites me as being too emotional and that characteristic of mine affecting my rational thought processes. I want to understand as to what emotions are and what role…