ISTDP is based on psychoanalytic theory which works with the concept of conflict: unconscious feelings trigger unconscious anxiety which evokes defences which cause the patient’s presenting problems. Therefore, the task of therapy is to help patients turn against defences as rapidly as possible (since they cause the presenting problems) and face feelings which are usually avoided.
TRAUMATIC BONDING is a strong emotional attachment between an abused person and his/her abuser, formed as a result of cycles of violence. The intermittent reinforcement of reward and punishment creates powerful emotional bonds that are resistant to change.
There is a misuse of fear, excitement and sometimes sexual feelings to entangle another person. The Program The idea of immersion as a physical submergence came first and the idea of something being absorbed in a situation came about later. The initiative of this project is to concentrate on the devotion to learning and finding new techniques during the program to tackle the problem of traumatic bonding in clinical practice.
The advantages of an immersion program are numerous:
• You are focussing almost purely on psychological acquisition.
• You will be spending time learning with equally committed learners who are there to learn.
• You have perfect opportunities to ‘get out there’ and start putting your learning into practice immediately.
• You are in a new environment and hopefully in a good state of mind, thus
willing to learn
Aside from the learning, you’ll probably meet some interesting, like-minded people and have a great time. Immersion programs are expensive due to the overheads of the off-site venues. However, the value of the immersion retreat is worth the money spent since it allows a concentrated experience untouched by the travails of everyday hassles and allows the attendees to come in touch with their individual self. The immersion program is led by very very experienced faculty who have a wealth of experience to share.
Limited registrations only for the Immersion program on Traumatic Bonding. Applications for these places must reach the Immersion Coordinator by April 30, 2020 Nominations, along with fees, to be sent to:
Dr. Darshan Shah,
305 Sigma Icon 2, Opposite Medilink Hospital,
Shyamal cross-roads, Ahmedabad 380015.
Phone:- 9824037887
Email:- [email protected]
Fee can also be paid after acceptance of registration only through cheque/demand
draft to
The Purple Centre
A/c No. 50200020935776
HDFC bank Ltd.
Venue,Date and Accommodation
• Venue:- Bheemli Resort, Vishakhpatnam(
• Located 25 kilometres, North-East of
Visakhapatnam, the resort features 28 exotic rooms overlooking the scenic Bay of Bengal, amid uninterrupted views and unmatched resort amenities. The Bheemili Resort is within walking distance from the Bheemili beach offering travellers a culturally enriching and quaint experience with plenty of local attractions nearby. Recreational facilities include a rooftop infinity pool, the first for any resort or hotel along India’s East coast and a spa for pampering facial and massage treatments.
• Visakhapatnam, also known as Vizag, is the largest city and the capital of the Indian state Andhra Pradesh, and is also well connected through road travel and flights.
• The fee, payable in advance, includes tuition fee, charges for reading materials, and rooms (On a single occupancy basis) and board
Fees:- Rupees:- 2,00,000/-
Early bird discount- INR 1,85,000/-
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations(with refund of fee) are
permissible until May 31, 2020. After that, there are no refunds for cancellations.
Dates; To be announced (Please confirm exact dates with the immersion co-ordinator Dr. Darshan Shah The program is led by Jon Frederickson, USA and carries a certification from the ISTDP Institute, Washington