Boredom at work
I am Sandeep Patel, a junior manager in an accounting company associated with the government. I have been working here for the last 4 years. I have found that my motivation to work is decreasing a lot. I find that the work is extremely boring and non-motivating. I have often found myself procrastinating work because of a lack of enthusiasm. I have also become very irritable and becoming rude to the customers and co-workers. I also feel that I am not doing what is of my full potential and am stagnating in my career. I find that people have started labeling me as a typical example of a government servant. I feel like a person everyone loves to hate and everyone dreads contact with me. I wish to get out of this state. Please advise regarding the boredom at work.
Sandeep, you need to create an innovative and accountable work environment where a playful, attentive, and engaging attitude leads to more energy, enthusiasm, productivity, and creativity. When you choose to love the work you do, you can catch your limit of happiness, meaning, and fulfillment every day. You spend about 75% of your time doing work-related activities – getting ready for work, traveling to work, working, contemplating work, and decompressing after work. If you spend that much time in that part of your life, you ought to enjoy it and be energized by it. You may be spending time on your job to satisfy needs elsewhere. You need to be motivated to take pride in what you do. People like to work in an environment that is fun, energizing and where they can make a difference. It prevents burnout and will keep you excited about what you do.
It is fashionable today to believe that we should not settle for anything less than doing what we love. We tell ourselves that life is too short to spend our working hours doing anything less than ideal, and we continue our search for the perfect workplace. The danger is that if our quest for the ideal work focuses us on the future, we will miss the amazingly wonderful life that is available today, in this moment. The fact is that in the real world, there are conditions, which prevent us from chasing the perfect, ideal job. You may have significant responsibilities to family members or you may be under so much stress in your personal life that there would be literally no time or energy to seek a new line of work. You need to evoke the deep source of energy, creativity, and passion that exists inside you by learning to love what you do, even if at the moment you may not be doing exactly what you love. When questioned, it is better not to have excuses that are both lame and abundant. Do not let anything be in slow motion. Sometimes, you may not have clue what to do, only the knowledge and conviction that you must do something and do it soon. You may be doing the same work in the same way for years and be totally bored. You may never be excited about anything that is actually happening at work. You may be a very good person, but whatever sparks you may have once had, you have lost it. In addition, this negative attitude is such a powerful and depressing force, that the new people who also come there quickly lose their spark as well. Although your work may be a critical part of the organization, it is taken for granted. You look at the three reasons as to why you are working – salary, security, and benefits. You forget the satisfaction from work.
Firstly, you may need to change your reputation in the office. You may not be the first to arrive or the last to leave, but you must work in a manner that almost always leaves your in-basket empty. The others in your organization should feel that the work would get done on time and with the highest quality. The people working for you also should feel that you are a good person to work for. Always listen closely to the concerns and ideas of your staff and you will be well-liked and respected in return. Work in an easygoing way, which rarely generates tension – other than the tension to get the job done well. You must develop a reputation that you could be counted on in any situation. Secondly, you must understand that whatever work you are doing maybe mundane and repetitious, but is important work, however. Any work can be boring to the person who has to do it. Given the wrong attitude and conditions, any job can be dull, given the right ones, any job can be exciting. There is always a choice about the way you do your work, even if there is not a choice about the work itself. You can choose the attitude you bring to your work. Given the responsibilities and other factors, it might not be possible for you to quit your work, but you can always have a choice about your attitude. You can bring a moody attitude and have a depressing day, a grouchy attitude and irritate others or you can have a sunny, playful, cheerful attitude and have a great day.
As it is said
If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap.
If you want happiness for a day, take a picnic.
If you want happiness for a week, go on a vacation.
If you want happiness for a month, get married.
If you want happiness for a year, inherit wealth.
If you want happiness for a lifetime, learn to love what you do for your living!
(to be continued)