Psychological & Psychometric Evaluation for Job Placement
Psychological & Psychometric Evaluation for Job Placement is very essential in a competitive market. The Purple Centre provides services to corporates and government organizations by designing psychometric tests as per their requirements for recruitment and selection process. As an indicator of one’s personality, preferences and abilities, psychometric tests can help prospective employers to find the best match of individual to occupation and working environment. As a recruitment and selection tool, these tests can be applied in a straightforward way at the early stages of selection to screen-out candidates who are likely to be unsuitable for the job. They can also provide management with guidance on career progression for existing employees. Because of their importance in making personnel decisions, it is vital that the tests themselves are known to produce accurate results based on standardized methods and statistical principles.
Personality Tests
Psychometric tests are impersonal, standardized and objective. Practice tests are readily available. The psychometric test is a level playing field: employers value them because they are a fair way of comparing different candidates’ strengths regardless of educational background. Most employers recognize that personality is of great importance in success at work. Consequently, most of the psychometric tests that you will be expected to take as part of the recruitment process will include a short personality test. The principle behind these tests is that it is possible to quantify your personality by asking you about your feelings, thoughts and behavior in a variety of situation both at work and outside of work.
Aptitude Tests
These have verbal ability, numerical reasoning ability, etc while others are made up of different types of questions.