An individual needs to develop a style of leadership that people love and one which the individual loves doing. A style that establishes a balance. An epitome of a modern success story.
The issue with today’s leadership centers is that most of them are too full to cater to an individual’s development. They believe in giving sure shot practical guidance systems to tackle the problems of daily life. However, these fall short of the expectations of the person being helped. It is not the fault of the trainers entirely, there is too large a demand and it is fair that they seek the benefit of the people on the whole.
In order to try and answer this problem, we have opened a leadership program. The goals of the center are as follows:
- To form a core group of people who look into the theory matter of the concept developed. This group will try to look at a wider applicability of the concept – at an individual as well as group level.
- To continue the enrichment of the trainers so that they do not lose their focus and are able to grow themselves, thus becoming a model of leadership themselves rather than just a robotic machine churning out theories of sound practical advice.
- To back up the follow up of these concepts with the individuals who may need more help than monthly meetings which is the general norm of many such organizations.
- A duration of 4 hours which includes – one discussion on a topic presented by a group member. The content of the topic would be thoroughly discussed so that it could be refined and made more effective. There would be one case discussion using any particular theory.